
The scores listed on this website for each department are designed to highlight departments that have opened up access to online services. Increased access to these tools helps public servants become more effective, collaborative, and connected in the modern digital world.

Scores are calculated as follows:

  • 3 points for each service that is open by default
  • 1 point for each service that is restricted to certain staff or only available on request
  • 0 points for services whose status is unknown
  • -2 points for each service that is blocked and not available on request

There are currently 50 online services in the dataset, for a maximum score of 150 (all services open by default). The percentages listed on the homepage indicate how close each department is to the maximum score.

If a service is listed with an incorrect status for your department, please suggest an update. Suggestions are anonymous and help to improve the quality of the underlying dataset over time.